Monday, February 7, 2011

Laundry Detergent....Homemade

We love this recipe in our house.  Not only is it super reasonable to make but it's allergen-free, as well. 
I get all the items I need right in the laundry isle at my local grocery store.  Once you buy the items, a batch of laundry detergent is about $1.50 or so to make.  I found this recipe and also found that you can use different soaps to make your liquid with and I have tried others but do prefer the Fels Naptha.  Please note, too, that this can be made into just a powder by following the steps and not "cooking" the soap and water.  You would then have a powder and take up less space than a 5 gallon bucket would. 
If you make the powder make sure you get your soap ground up to almost to a powder.  
Use about a Tablespoon per load if you're using powder.  
For the liquid, use about 1/2 C per medium to large load and about 1/4 C for a small load.  Do also note that this WILL NOT give you suds so if you're a suds person this just might not do it for you!  LOL

Use 1/4 C for small loads
Use 1/2 C for medium to large loads

I also want to add that I got this cute little recipe card download at

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