Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Weight a Minute

Some days we go on a tangent and do something "out of the book".  On this day we thought it would be fun to weigh things around the house.
I made my own worksheet listing the items, weight, tare and actual weight.
So the kids had to go through the house and they each gathered up their items and it was time to use the scale and see what weighs what.

Here's what they came up with...

A pencil weighs .2 oz
A salt shaker weighs  3.5 oz
A cellphone weighs 2.5 oz
One roll of toilet paper 2.2 oz
A shoe(don't remember who's) weighs 7.4 oz
A box of mac and cheese total weight is 8.80 oz minus the contents weight of 7.25 oz which leaves the box weight of 1.55
Can of veggies 1 lb .9oz minus net weight on can 14.5 oz and the can would weigh 2.4 oz
A Childcraft Book weighs in at 1lb 6.4 oz
Candle 2.5 oz
Drinking glass weighs 1lb 4.5 oz

Then at the bottom of my worksheet I wrote...
Tare the following using a salad plate:
                          salad plate    both       actual item weight
  1. pencil holder                _______    ____      __________ 
  2. candle holder               _______    ____      __________
  3. Christmas figurine       _______    ____      __________
  4. cereal box                   _______    _____     __________
I had them sit the salad plate on the scale and weigh that and they filled in the blanks.  They then put the item on the salad plate for that weight and then subtracted the plate weight from the total weight to get the actual item weight.  Not only did they have a blast, they learned how to weigh, tare and how to get the item weights through subtraction.
Now I do have a tare button on my scale but what fun would that be??  LOL
I make a lot of my own worksheets for the kids.  I make them on plain paper and then make 2 copies.  I keep one in my Teacher file for possible future use.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why do I Homeschool.....Reason 1

 Proverbs 22:6   Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

 It's a calling...plain and simple...
I knew the moment I found out I was going to have my third child at this late stage in life that I was going to homeschool.  Oh the flack I took from family members, not only on my side but my husband's side.  Why would you do that, how could you NOT send him to a real school?? What about "socialization"? And of course there were other questions and, of course, I kept my mouth shut and asked myself...How could I possibly NOT homeschool this child?? 
God was talking to me, he's got my path all laid out and I've chosen to follow that path.
He leads our day and we Praise Him for it!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Laundry Detergent....Homemade

We love this recipe in our house.  Not only is it super reasonable to make but it's allergen-free, as well. 
I get all the items I need right in the laundry isle at my local grocery store.  Once you buy the items, a batch of laundry detergent is about $1.50 or so to make.  I found this recipe and also found that you can use different soaps to make your liquid with and I have tried others but do prefer the Fels Naptha.  Please note, too, that this can be made into just a powder by following the steps and not "cooking" the soap and water.  You would then have a powder and take up less space than a 5 gallon bucket would. 
If you make the powder make sure you get your soap ground up to almost to a powder.  
Use about a Tablespoon per load if you're using powder.  
For the liquid, use about 1/2 C per medium to large load and about 1/4 C for a small load.  Do also note that this WILL NOT give you suds so if you're a suds person this just might not do it for you!  LOL

Use 1/4 C for small loads
Use 1/2 C for medium to large loads

I also want to add that I got this cute little recipe card download at

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Story of Stone Soup... told by our Lower Grammar children in our Tapestry of Grace co-op. With just a few "dry runs" I think they did an AMAZING job.

Wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another, even as also ye do. 1Thessalonians 5:11